Carlos Rubinstein
Learning Cool Stuff, and Making Folks Productive With It for Over 20 Years
Training is a revenue center.
If your training isn’t making you money,
let’s fix that.
(A partial list)

Work Samples
New contributors don’t need to struggle with who’s responsible for what on their team, or to whom they should go for help; introducing them visually as well as conceptually to the organization structure can increase confidence and decrease ramp-up time.

Adult learners are goal-driven, and getting their buy-in requires meeting them where they are, and showing them not only the value (to them) of making the effort to learn what you need them to master, but also when and how they’ll need to use the KSAs you’re presenting.

Because application of KSAs is ultimately what matters, presenting ‘real world’ examples of experts approaching and managing different relationships and situations gives learners clarity around how to synthesize and apply the concepts, principles, and processes they’re learning.

Practice activities are a must; they allow learners to rehearse their knowledge and test their understanding. Card sort activities like this one can also aid in cementing learners’ ability to correctly categorize examples.

When speed is a success factor, and having to access external resources means failure, learners can use practice activities like this timed pronunciation drill to measure their progress over time.

Visual Organizers
Complex systems and concepts can be difficult for learners to grasp; strong visual communication helps learners build resilient schemas that bring order and clarity as they build their knowledge.

When objectives call for a quick and clear ‘read’ of a situation, the visual simplicity of icons help learners recall and home in on the most relevant factors, and have confidence that they’re performing as required.

Application Training
Good UI design can do much to help app users accomplish tasks intuitively, but there’s always a starting point when learners are out of their comfort zone with a new app. Clear instructions and a consistent course interface, combined with authentic workflows, guide learners to success.

When objectives call for learners to analyze multiple criteria in order to take the correct action, they need authentic practice, with complex situations, to guide their decision-making and build confidence.

Carlos Rubinstein
San Francisco, CA
+1 510.417.5421